Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Spring!
I've been buzzing about and flying from school to school this month. It's be great presenting Words on the Wing assemblies and meeting so many readers. Thanks to Mary Harris at Parkplace Books for setting up the Read Across America visits.

Here I am with Mary

photo by Heidi Pettit

Librarian Kendra Friday @ Redmond Jr. High sent a few photos from our time together.

Students participated in the Rejection Survey. Thumbs up or thumbs down?
Did you know Harry Potter was rejected 30 times before it was accepted for publication?

Hands shot up for Q & A. I always love this part of the presentation.
"Why do your books have so many dragons in them?"

Students Divya and Amanda

Library assistant, Shirley Poblete, created the Smilebox below

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Thanks to all for a great time.

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